Mod 08_U8 - InTASC Standards 6, 7, 8 Assessments, Planning and Instruction
Mod08_U03_A01 InTASC Standards 1, 2, & 3 (video)
Mod08_U02_A02 Student Case Study
Mod08_U01_A01 Baseline Video
Mod06_U01_A01 Unpacking Standards
Module 4_Unit 6_Activity 2: LEP Personal Reflection
Mod04_U05_A01- A Speedy Educational App Review
Mod03_U02_A01 Challenges of Tomorrow
Mod03_Unit01_Activity01 - Students in the Digital Age - The Teacher's Survey
Mod02_U03_A01: Interview: Talking about Student Differentiation: Emma-G11 English & Homeroom teacher
Mod02_U03_A01: Interview: Talking about Student Differentiation Sylvia, the School Psychologist
Mod02_U03_A02 - PODCAST - Rethinking Education
Mod2_U2_A2: Teaching Diverse Students - A Discussion
Mod2_Activity 2: Laws and Policies that Affect Teaching