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Mod08_U01_A01 Baseline Video


I have begun my clinical assessments and here we have my baseline video.

The intention of this assessment is to see where I am now and use it as the foundation for which I will build on through mentor and peer assessments as well as self-reflections.

The learning outcomes are intended as follows:

  • Candidates record their own teaching practice as a means of examining and reflecting upon their own practice

  • Candidates understand how students grow and develop across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas

  • Candidates design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences in their classroom

  • Candidates assess their skills for designing and implementing developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences in their classroom

During the clinical assessments I will be assessed using InTASC standards, each honing in on a particular skillset required to be a proficient teacher. As I progress, I will share each standards requirements on each lesson.

It will all accumulate to a final video assessment where peers and my mentors will observe a lesson where all standards and criteria should be met competently.

Accompanying lesson plan:

Mentor Meeting

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