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Mod07_U01_A2 Meeting with my Mentor

Due to the fact that I’ll be using my Grad 10 and 11 ESOL classes for my clinical opposed to my Grade 7 and 8’s ICT classes the classroom standards and expectations are already well established and firmly in place.


  • Respect for everyone in the class

  • Support and help one another

  • When someone talks, you listen

  • Be adequately prepared for class, materials and in ones-self

  • Be responsible for yourself

  • Actively push yourself to be the best learner possible

*While most students will raise their hand if they want to speak, I don’t enforce the “hands up” rule for speaking simply for the fact the classes are small enough that it is rarely, if ever, disruptive and the fact that I find it actually helps promote conversation within these particular classes. Also, they’re young adults and understand WHEN it is appropriate to speak and when to wait.


The school hasn’t provided the curricula or standards for the classes, so as a department we have decided to use the IGCSE ESOL 5011 Syllabus and develop the curriculum based on the Oxford File books for Grades 10 and 11.

While the IGCSE syllabus doesn't specify any standards, we have retrofitted the Assessment Objectives of ESOL 5011 and the content of the English File books into standards.


  • Students will be taught how to form and share thoughts, feelings and ideas while being able to back these up with evidence through speaking and writing.

  • This communication will be nuanced for the specific audience being addressed using appropriate wording, intonation, grammar structures and the like with relevance to the form of communication (writing/speaking)

  • Students shall learn how to identify key parts of information to grasp meaning and context of the topic at hand. Furthermore, they will learn how to identify inferred meaning and content that isn’t explicitly stated in the information delivered. (Reading/listening)

  • Students will develop their lexical database, grammatical structures and ability to link ideas into fluid conversational/written content on the topics covered.


G10: Past tense simple, irregular past verbs, adverbs, sentence structures, container quantifiers, prepositions

G11: ************ - Have to confirm with the department staff….. I have my general plan but there may be changes based on their decisions


AO1 Reading

  • identify and select relevant information

  • understand ideas, opinions and attitudes

  • show understanding of the connections between ideas, opinions and attitudes

  • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g. gist, writer’s purpose, intention and feelings

AO2 Writing

  • communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly, accurately and effectively

  • organise ideas into coherent paragraphs using a range of appropriate linking devices

  • use a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary accurately and effectively

  • show control of punctuation and spelling

  • use appropriate register and style/format for the given purpose and audience

AO3 Listening

  • identify and select relevant information

  • understand ideas, opinions and attitudes

  • show understanding of the connections between ideas, opinions and attitudes

  • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g. gist, speaker’s purpose, intention and feelings

AO4 Speaking

  • communicate ideas/opinions clearly, accurately and effectively

  • develop responses and link ideas using a range of appropriate linking devices

  • use a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary accurately and effectively

  • show control of pronunciation and intonation patterns

  • engage in a conversation and contribute effectively to help move the conversation forward

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